Picture that says:
Hopsital Care Quality Information from the Consumer Perspective
What is HCAHPS?
The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) is a patient satisfaction survey required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for all hospitals in the United States.
Why is HCAHPS Important?
The survey and its results are important for several reasons:
The survey is the voice of the patient - it gives Ashe Memorial Hospital a view into the patient's perception of the care we provide.
The survey results are publicly reported on the internet for all to see, so the results impact our reputation.
The government will reimburse us on results, so excellent survey performance keeps the hospital financially strong.
What Does the HCAHPS Survey Ask About?
Doctor Communication - respect, listening skills and communication ability of doctors
Nurse Communication - respect, listening skills and communication ability of nurses
Staff Responsiveness - answering call bells and responding to toileting needs
Hospital Environment - cleanliness and quietness of the hospital
Pain Management - how well was your pain controlled
Medication Communication - explaining medications to patients
Discharge Information - preparing patients to leave the hospital
Food Services - quality of food and the courtesy of those who serve it
Overall Rating of the Hospital - rating the hospital on a scale of 1-10